+39 0425 51628 info@ruthinium.it

Medium grain mounted tips for finishing ceramic elements.

Available in shapes:
K1 - K1/A - K2 - K3 (ground)
K4 - K5 - K6 - K7 (unground)

Code Description:
51100K1 MOUNTED PUNCHES K1 48 pcs.
51100K2 MOUNTED PUNTS K2 48 pcs.
51100K3 MOUNTED PUNTS K3 48 pcs.
51100K4 MOUNTED PUNTS K4 48 pcs.
51100K5 MOUNTED PUNTS K5 48 pcs.
51100K6 MOUNTED PUNTS K6 48 pcs.
51100K7 MOUNTED PUNTS K7 48 pcs.
5110K1A MOUNTED PUNTS K1/A 48 pcs.

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